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Thank you for your interest. Online Reading/Coaching Sessions by Appointment Only.

Not taking new clients at this time.
Current clients please join my email list for latest updates and link to available dates.



There are no coincidences.

Whether you are at a crossroad, stuck, or about to embark on another phase of your life, assistance is nearby. Your bliss lies within you and the time has come for you to reconnect. 

Many of us feel as though we are stuck and are unable to have the life we were meant to live.

Although it may seem as though there is this "one big thing" or a "million little things" holding you back, they all come back to root issues.  Treating the current symptoms without finding and treating the roots will keep you in a long-term cycle of frustration, depression, or illness. My gift is to assist you in finding your root issues.  We go at your pace and your comfort level to bring your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects back into balance. I am guided in your healing by your guides, your higher/true-self, and the universe for your greatest truth, light, wisdom, and love.

When you reconnect with your true-self, you tune into your higher purpose.

My methods are gentle, compassionate and judgment-free. 

ALL of my services come through the heart-center with the intention of my work to be for your highest light, truth, and wisdom.

I am a conduit for the universe to give you what is already yours - information, healing or a gentle nudge to get you back on your true path.  Together we embark on your journey back to YOU. Although each session has a general time allotment, I am happy to take as much time as needed for your healing.  We are all a "work-in-progress" and we all need love and understanding.  When we share love, we change the world, one person at a time for we are all connected, we are one heart. Please email me for an individual, couples or group session today.

From my heart to yours...

Peace, Light, & Above All ~ Love



"I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to those of you who have taken a moment out of your busy schedules to send me feedback, testimonials and thank you emails and cards. Your words are treasured gifts.  Everyone with whom I have provided a service, whether over the phone or in person, is added to my special prayer list. I applaud your courage to follow your heart and seek answers.  Many of us are going through challenges at this time. It is my utmost desire for all of us to find our truth and live our authentic lives.  Namaste."  
